Site Event/Activity record ENT5265 - Geophysical Survey at Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground, Toton


Location Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground, Toton, Nottinghamshire
Grid reference Centred SK 50188 34312 (353m by 294m)
Map sheet SK53SW
District Broxtowe
Civil Parish Beeston and Stapleford, Broxtowe



Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust


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A series of specialist survey techniques over a 5ha area at the site of Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground in Nottinghamshire as part of the 'Toton Unearthed' project. The techniques applied included Lidar survey, geophysical (geomagnetic) survey and topographic survey (using a combination of laser scanning, hand survey and walkover survey). The decision to use magnetic gradiometry to survey the site was based on its efficiency as a survey technique suitable for detecting the buried remains of a range of materials based on differences in their magnetic characteristics as compared to the geological background of the area. The magnetometer survey was undertaken by a two-person core team using a Bartington Instruments Grad 601-2 fluxgate gradiometer. In addition, up to three volunteers were on hand to help move tapes and set out grids. The equipment allowed the survey to be conducted rapidly as the area was relatively free of obstructions. Readings were taken at 0.25m intervals along traverses of 0.5m spacing walking east. This enabled a sufficiently high density of data for the purposes of archaeological assessment to be collected across the site in the relatively short time allotted for the survey to be completed. The geophysical survey grids of 30m by 30m were set out using a Leica GS15 GPS with SmartNet directly in the Ordnance Survey National Grid coordinate system. The survey grids were aligned north-east to south-west. The majority of the area covered by geo-magnetic survey was disrupted by dipolar noise resulting, probably, from the presence of ferrous material on, or near, the ground-surface. There were, however, potentially a number of archaeologically significant anomalies present within the dataset. The proposed location of the former Toton Manor Farm demonstrated a good response to the gradiometer survey and although noisy, this area revealed traces of magnetically positive anomalies which might indicate the survival of some parts of the structure in the sub-surface. It is also possible that anomalies to the west of these may represent the extension of buildings into this area. The location of the mill as proposed by earlier geophysical survey was identified primarily on the basis of resistivity data, and although the present geomagnetic results were corrupted by a high level of noise, the presence of positive features in this area support this hypothesis. Clear evidence for a system of former field-boundaries or land-divisions can be seen within the area now occupied by the cricket pitch. These correlate well with evidence for former trackways or paths which can be detected in the northern part of the survey area, along with what are probably some additional smaller structures. A second trackway alignment may be represented in the results to the west of the field boundaries. Additional evidence for ditches, or other stratigraphically negative features which may be associated with the supposed site of the mills adjacent to the current childrens’ playground, can be seen to the west of the main area.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: G. Carver, P. Johnson, D. Strange-Walker, R. Townsend, S. Malone & J. Walker. 2014. Toton Unearthed, Toton Nottinghamshire: Report on an Integrated Field Survey Conducted at Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground, April-May 2014.

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Linear Features at Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground, Toton (Element)
  • Possible Buildings at Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground, Toton (Element)
  • Possible Structures of Former Manor Farm, Toton (Element)

Record last edited

Feb 26 2025 4:23PM

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