Building record M3040 - NEWARK CASTLE


CASTLE (Medieval)


Grid reference Centred SK 79635 54029 (56m by 105m)
Map sheet SK75SE
District Newark
Civil Parish Newark, Newark
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Rectangular plan stone castle on a cliff above the River Trent. The N gatehouse is the most elaborate of its kind in England with massive port and buttresses, chambers incorporating details of 1170-1180s AD, fine cushion capitals and early windows in upper chambers. Early masonry is visible in the W curtain wall which has a SW tower of some note. Traces of wall passages and Norman windows filled or cut by later works include a fine oriel window with views to the W. The Hall near the NW corner angle has a crypt with round headed arches. Much remodelling of the castle is evident with C15/C16 windows and castings over earlier features. (2)
The E walls have been completely levelled with internal structures but the ground drops away to the E and S indicating early ? Saxon/Norman defensive rampart. Below ground remains of the castle courtyard, the S walls, the NE walls, the E ramparts and ditches can be traced by the visitor (scheduled area extended --/07/1986 to cover these). The building lines to the S of the castle, along with hair cracks and lines of subsidence indicate substantial filled features including ditches. (2)
The whole of the castle grounds are now landscaped and open as public gardens. Restoration work underway. An excavation in 1984 outside the scheduled area to the S of the SW tower located another tower which may be part of a gateway. The base of that tower lines up with projecting masonry from the SW tower. Destruction of the new tower (Jenny's Tower) probably took place in the C14 with evidence of pottery, but how it fits in with the circuit of castle walls is not clear. (3)
Raised from c.1133 by … Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln. A later bishop, perhaps Henry de Burghersh (1320-40), rebuilt the curtain wall, including the NW and central turrets. Archbishop … Thomas Rotherham (1471-80) [added] a two-storey oriel. Slight[ed] at the end of the Civil War. Salvin['s] restoration [was in] 1845-8. (16)
Modern buildings excluded. See publications for excavation details. (1) quoted on SAM form.
A programme of work in 2018 including a Level 4 building survey, laser survey and excavation of 4 trenches allowed for a refinement of previous theories on the form and function of the west tower of the gatehouse, which has been demonstrated not to have had access from within the courtyard, the position of an external stair associated with the large western range of the early C14, and possibly of greatest significance, the position of the original west curtain wall, which the excavation clearly demonstrated that it lay further to the west than previously thought. (18)
See L9866 for Neolithic finds, L9867 for Bronze Age finds, L9864 for Roman finds and features, L9865 for Saxon burials, L9868 for Saxon features, L10852, L10856, L10858-61, L10865-69, and L10871-77 for Medieval features, L10878 for post medieval features and L10879-80 for geophysical anomalies.

Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.

6 BW prints, CUCAP BR 57 - 60, 77, 78, SMR

Data Held: Ground Photograph (Ground photograph). SNT2646.

2 BW print, SMR

Listed buildings slides, 41 slides (Photograph). SNT2648.

Gordon Stubbs NDC, Feb 1984, Newark Castle SW Tower (Plan). SNT4422.

<1> MOW, 819 (Published document). SNT929.

<2> Hart CR, 1984, AM107 (Unpublished document). SNT754.

<3> Samuels JR, 1985, AM107 (Unpublished document). SNT1230.

<4> Lawson Lowe AE, 1876, Black's Guide to Nottinghamshire (Published document). SNT875.

<5> Brown C, 1904, History of Newark (Published document). SNT526.

<6> Barley WM and Dixon PW, 1974, Council Rept (Published document). SNT452.

<7> Thoroton Society, 1935, TTS, pp 53-91 (Published document). SNT353.

<8> Thoroton Society, 1939, TTS, pp 22-56 (Published document). SNT356.

<9> Thoroton Society, 1955, TTS, pp 98-9 (Published document). SNT369.

<10> Thoroton Society, 1956, TTS, pp 20-33 (Published document). SNT370.

<11> Thoroton Society, 1973, TTS, pp 34-40 (Published document). SNT386.

<12> Thoroton Society, 1978, TTS, pp 72-3 (Published document). SNT391.

<13> Kinsley G, 1989, Newark's Archaeological Resource, App 1, pp 3-5 (Unpublished document). SNT40.

<14> CUCAP, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT594.

Other Refs: BR 57-60,77,78, Em D14, Spec Coll A ,

<15> NCC Archaeology Team, Site Book 4 (Unpublished document). SNT310.

<16> Pevsner N, 1997, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire (with corrections), p 189-190 (Monograph). SNT1734.

<17> Hill P R, 14/11/1992, Report on Stone from Newark Castle (Unpublished document). SNT2052.

<18> Applied Archaeology, 2019, Historic Building Recording and Archaeological Evaluation Report: Gatehouse Transformation Project, Newark Castle 2018 (Unpublished document). SNT5844.

Sources/Archives (22)

  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Ground photograph: Data Held: Ground Photograph.
  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. 41 slides.
  • --- Plan: Gordon Stubbs NDC. Feb 1984. Newark Castle SW Tower. A3.
  • <1> Published document: MOW. 819.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Hart CR. 1984. AM107.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Samuels JR. 1985. AM107.
  • <4> Published document: Lawson Lowe AE. 1876. Black's Guide to Nottinghamshire.
  • <5> Published document: Brown C. 1904. History of Newark. 1.
  • <6> Published document: Barley WM and Dixon PW. 1974. Council Rept.
  • <7> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1935. TTS. 39. pp 53-91.
  • <8> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1939. TTS. 43. pp 22-56.
  • <9> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1955. TTS. 59. pp 98-9.
  • <10> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1956. TTS. 60. pp 20-33.
  • <11> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1973. TTS. 77. pp 34-40.
  • <12> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1978. TTS. 82. pp 72-3.
  • <13> Unpublished document: Kinsley G. 1989. Newark's Archaeological Resource. App 1, pp 3-5.
  • <14> Aerial photograph: CUCAP. Air photos.
  • <15> Unpublished document: NCC Archaeology Team. Site Book 4.
  • <16> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1997. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire (with corrections). p 189-190.
  • <17> Unpublished document: Hill P R. 14/11/1992. Report on Stone from Newark Castle.
  • <18> Unpublished document: Applied Archaeology. 2019. Historic Building Recording and Archaeological Evaluation Report: Gatehouse Transformation Project, Newark Castle 2018.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (32)

Related Events/Activities (3)

Record last edited

Dec 17 2024 12:18PM

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