Monument record M3600 - ROMAN CAMP AT HOLME
Grid reference | Centred SK 81054 59170 (562m by 359m) |
Map sheet | SK85NW |
District | Newark |
Civil Parish | Holme, Newark |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Linear features, corner of subrectangular enclosure. Some straight, linear ditches forming rectilinear features of some sort. (1) (2)
2 sides visible above possibly linking up via N side to form large enclosure with rounded corners (and internal features). (3)
(T5200) Large Ro marching camp - E, N and W defences visible. The W ditch is uninterrupted for 600ft but could be longer. The E-W dimension is 1150ft. The camp's position, away from any known Ro road, and size, possibly large enough for a legion, could give it a conquest date. (5)
Perambulation of the indicated area produced nothing of interest. (6)
Morph: 200.3.1 temporary camp. (7).
See L3599 for cropmarks W of Holme Lane.
Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.
Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.
JAP 1429/2
<1> Riley DN, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1194.
Other Refs: 427/32 (NLAP SK 8059/10)
<2> Pickering J, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1148.
Other Refs: 1184/33,34, 1185/1,2 (NLAP SK 8159/2-5)
<3> Pickering J, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1148.
Other Refs: 1429/2,3 (NLAP SK 8059/13,14)
<4> CUCAP, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT594.
Other Refs: AIA 16,17,19, ABO 94
<5> Society for … Ro Studies, 1961, JRS, p 120 (Published document). SNT207.
<6> Seaman BH, 1974, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1252.
<7> RCHME, National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data (Unknown). SNT1470.
<8> Leicester Arch & Hist Soc, 1969-70, Trans of the Leicester Arch & Hist Soc (Published document). SNT1801.
Sources/Archives (10)
- --- SNT2645 Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
- --- SNT2645 Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
- <1> SNT1194 Aerial photograph: Riley DN. Air photos.
- <2> SNT1148 Aerial photograph: Pickering J. Air photos.
- <3> SNT1148 Aerial photograph: Pickering J. Air photos.
- <4> SNT594 Aerial photograph: CUCAP. Air photos.
- <5> SNT207 Published document: Society for … Ro Studies. 1961. JRS. 51. p 120.
- <6> SNT1252 Personal comment: Seaman BH. 1974. Pers Comm.
- <7> SNT1470 Unknown: RCHME. National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data.
- <8> SNT1801 Published document: Leicester Arch & Hist Soc. 1969-70. Trans of the Leicester Arch & Hist Soc. 45.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jan 19 2023 7:34PM