Monument record M5206 - Anglo-Saxon cemetery in Rempstone parish


Approximately 750m west of Rempstone Hall, limited hand excavation and more extensive trial trenching carried out in 2013 revealed a substantial early Anglo-Saxon cremation cemetery extending over an estimated 1200m² (0.12ha). Estimation of precise numbers remains problematic given the apparent clustering of deposits within this overall area but is likely to comprise several hundred urned cremations with occasional inhumations. A significant part of the cemetery survives unexcavated and, given the limited sample from the trenches, the potential for many more burials to survive is very high. The urns recorded from the excavated sample make it clear that the level of survival and archaeological potential is also very high.


Grid reference Centred SK 56202 24568 (152m by 146m) (2 map features)
Map sheet SK52SE
District Rushcliffe
Civil Parish Rempstone, Rushcliffe


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Approximately 750m west of Rempstone Hall, limited hand excavation and more extensive trial trenching carried out in 2013 revealed a substantial early Anglo-Saxon cremation cemetery extending over an estimated 1200m² (0.12ha). Estimation of precise numbers remains problematic given the apparent clustering of deposits within this overall area but is likely to comprise several hundred urned cremations with occasional inhumations. A significant part of the cemetery survives unexcavated and, given the limited sample from the trenches, the potential for many more burials to survive is very high. The urns recorded from the excavated sample make it clear that the level of survival and archaeological potential is also very high. (6)
At the site 750m west of Rempstone Hall, the main group of cremations appear to have occupied a plot defined to the north-west by a possible ring ditch/ ring ditches (possibly indicating a Bronze Age barrow), a feature which although no longer in use would still have been evident in the form of earthworks at the time the cemetery was in use. It is very likely that further remains survive in the area to the west of the excavated cemetery – in the cross of the ‘T’ which is bounded on the west side by Rempstone Road – given the proximity to the excavated cremations and the extent of archaeological remains dating to the Anglo-Saxon period already found in this area. (6)

Found by metal detector - A cruciform brooch fragment, a fragment of what may be tweezers, copper alloy shears (as at Spong), 5 pot sherds C5-C6, 2 with linear decoration. Also reported a good pair of tweezers and tweezer fragments. Also a cruciform brooch headplate, an almost complete cruciform brooch. Also mentioned more brooch knobs and other brooch fragments and a girdle hanger.
Anglo Saxon small long brooch, cross pattee derivative. (1) (2) (3)
Finds are indicative of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery in area. (4)
Grid ref for location only.
See L5205, L5206 and L5207 for grid references indicated by metal detectorist.
See L11061, L11070 for further finds which may be associated.
See M18373 for cemetery excavated in East Leake Quarry, which may be the source of these finds.

<1> Leicester Museum , Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT878.

<2> Grattan Mr P, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT724.

<3> Carlyle T , Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT542.

<4> Newsome SE, 1999, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1450.

<5> Data Held (Document). SNT2647.

Corr, (1), Parish File

<6> Historic England, 2020, Advice Report: Anglo-Saxon Cremation Cemetery and associated features 750m west of Rempstone Hall (Published document). SNT5215.

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <1> Personal comment: Leicester Museum . Pers Comm.
  • <2> Personal comment: Grattan Mr P. Pers Comm.
  • <3> Personal comment: Carlyle T . Pers Comm.
  • <4> Personal comment: Newsome SE. 1999. Pers Comm.
  • <5> Document: Data Held.
  • <6> Published document: Historic England. 2020. Advice Report: Anglo-Saxon Cremation Cemetery and associated features 750m west of Rempstone Hall.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Nov 10 2020 1:02PM

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