Building record M8872 - Beauvale Priory, Gatehouse, Greasley


GATEHOUSE (Medieval to Tudor)


Grid reference Centred SK 49262 48972 (29m by 37m)
Map sheet SK44NE
District Broxtowe
Civil Parish Greasley, Broxtowe
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The gatehouse stands at the SE corner, and gave entrance by an archway on either side with plain double chamfers carried to the ground. The west wall remains but the east wall has been entirely removed. The gatehouse is flanked by two rooms, each 20ft square, and divided into two bays by a large beam which has curved braces and supports an upper floor. The whole upper storey is gone. The gatehouse range certainly extended further west than the existing remains, apparently with stables or storehouses running at right angles. (2)
Much of the gatehouse range incorporated in the outbuildings of the present farmhouse. (3)
The gatehouse forms the southern side of a small square courtyard otherwise surrounded by buildings of C19 date. (Gives modified listing description). (4)

Listed buildings slides, (Photograph). SNT2648.

<1> Thoroton Society, 1907, TTS, pp 35-40 (Published document). SNT334.

<2> Thoroton Society, 1908, TTS, pp 69-94 (Published document). SNT335.

<3> Pevsner N, 1979, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed., pp66-7 (Monograph). SNT4.

<4> RCHME, 1996, Beauvale Priory, Nottinghamshire Archaeological Report. NMR no: SK 44 NE 7, p 5 (Unpublished document). SNT2190.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. .
  • <1> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1907. TTS. 11. pp 35-40.
  • <2> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1908. TTS. 12. pp 69-94.
  • <3> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1979. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed.. Penguin. pp66-7.
  • <4> Unpublished document: RCHME. 1996. Beauvale Priory, Nottinghamshire Archaeological Report. NMR no: SK 44 NE 7. p 5.

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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