
STABLE (Georgian to Late 20th Century); COW HOUSE (Georgian to Late 20th Century); DOVECOTE (Georgian to Late 20th Century)


Grid reference Centred SK 78878 82140 (11m by 31m)
Map sheet SK78SE
District Bassetlaw
Civil Parish North Leverton, Bassetlaw
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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Cow house and stable with pigeoncote. C19. (1)
The east side of the courtyard comprises a range of buildings. Listing description is of a cow house and stable with pigeoncote and dating from C19. The single storey element is in a very poor state and the central section has collapsed completely. The south end abuts the aisled barn and comprises a single storey red brick and pantile loosebox, with dentillated eaves, of the C19. Bricks laid in Stretcher bond. Internally, this has a concrete floor and contains a timber hayrack on the east wall adjacent to a simple hit and miss slatted ventilated opening. The east facing roof includes a row of four glass pantiles. Next to this is the collapsed section followed by what may have been last used as a cow house with the end exposed due to the loss of the adjacent roof. Of red brick with dentillated eaves and with a pantiled roof this has a late C18 staggered butt purlin roof. The brickwork is contemporary with the farmhouse. The wall at the south end is of the late C19 or early C20 and incorporates a brick feeding through. The two-storey section that follows comprises, on the ground floor a loose box, toll and equipment stores with a brick floor and the ladder access to the first floor, an arched through passage with doors on the courtyard side. The first floor was a granary, with three rooms, one each above the trap house and the archway, both plastered, and one unplastered above the store and loosebox. In the floor above the archway is a trap door. There is a set of pigeonholes on the exterior, high on the south gable. This building is of brick and pantile with dentillated eaves and dates from the mid C19. (2)

Listed buildings slides, (Photograph). SNT2648.

<1> DOE, Listed Building Description (Published document). SNT228.

<2> Stewart Squires - Heritage Conservation Services, 2006, Yew Tree Farm, North Leverton - Farm Buildng Record (Unpublished document). SNT4895.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. .
  • <1> Published document: DOE. Listed Building Description.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Stewart Squires - Heritage Conservation Services. 2006. Yew Tree Farm, North Leverton - Farm Buildng Record.

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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