Building record M13611 - STABLE COURT AND FARM BUILDINGS AT BERRY HILL HALL (De-listed May 2018)


STABLE (Stuart to Late 20th Century); FARM BUILDING (Stuart to Late 20th Century)


Grid reference Centred SK 4549e 3596e (88m by 32m)
Map sheet SK43NE
District Mansfield
Civil Parish Mansfield, Mansfield
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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Stable courtyard with attached farm buildings around 2 further courtyards. c.1700. (1)

De-listed 02.May.2018 for the following principal reason: Architectural interest: the buildings have formed part of a comprehensive scheme of re-development to form houses and apartments which has entailed the complete demolition and replacement of one element of the listed ensemble and the extensive remodelling of the other parts of the site. Such has been the extent of the loss of original historic fabric and the introduction of new material that inclusion on the statutory List is no longer considered to be appropriate. (2)

Details A former stable courtyard with attached ranges of farm buildings associated with Berry Hill Hall, completely remodelled and partially rebuilt in the late C20 and early C21, to form dwellings and apartments. MATERIALS: Coursed rubble stone with both ashlar stone and artificial stone dressings and slate roof coverings. PLAN: The former plan, comprising three linked courtyards to the west of Berry Hill Hall, has now been modified to create a single enclosed courtyard, an L-shaped range of houses and apartments and a linked pair of L-shaped bungalows. EXTERIOR: The original building ranges have been remodelled and in some instances demolished and rebuilt to form the housing development now comprised of: The Stables (Nos 1-6), an L-shaped range immediately to the west of Berry Hill Hall; The Hayloft,( Nos 1-8) an L-shaped range which includes a new west range which replaces the demolished west side of the original central courtyard; and further west, an attached pair of late C20 L-shaped bungalows, (Nos 4 and 5 Berry Hill Mews ) developed on the site of, and incorporating surviving sections of external walling of, a former U-shaped range of farm buildings. Existing openings have been used in both original and modified form throughout the complex, together with numerous new openings, all fitted with new joinery components. All of the roof structures, both pitched and hipped, are new, as are the roof coverings. INTERIORS: The interiors of all of the surviving buildings formerly listed as the stable court and attached farm buildings at Berry Hill Hall were all remodelled in the late C20 and early C21 as part of the redevelopment of the site to form residential units. (2)

Built around 1700 and have various C19 and C20 alterstions and additions. Built of coarsed squared rubble with slate roofs, the east end is dominated by a tall square block with a pyraminal roof and wooden cupola. (3)

Listed buildings slides, (Photograph). SNT2648.

<1> DOE, Listed Building Description (Published document). SNT228.

<2> 2016, Historic England Designations Notification Report. (Document). SNT4552.

<3> Nottinghamshire County Council, 2004, Berry Hill Hall – Internal Photographic Survey by NCC (Unpublished document). SNT5621.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. .
  • <1> Published document: DOE. Listed Building Description.
  • <2> Document: 2016. Historic England Designations Notification Report..
  • <3> Unpublished document: Nottinghamshire County Council. 2004. Berry Hill Hall – Internal Photographic Survey by NCC.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jun 4 2024 2:42PM

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