Monument record M18612 - Early post medieval building at Barnstone


BUILDING (Post Medieval to Hanoverian)


Grid reference SK 73300 35549 (point)
Map sheet SK73NW
District Rushcliffe
Locality Barnstone
Civil Parish Langar cum Barnstone, Rushcliffe


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Area of charcoal rich silty clay with post med pottery and an unusually high density of clay pipe. Immediately NW of this deposit was an area of dense stone and early post medieval pottery. Careful machining indicated the stone formed a structure. A building of some size, a fair amount lay beyond the boundary of the easement both to the SE and NW. The building consisted of four remaining walls of one to two courses, a number of areas of limestone flags and a large amount of rubble, probably laid as hardcore adjacent to the structures SE corner. The northernmost wall only 1m or so in length and probably formed a lean to or porch. Foundation trench c.80mm deep. Towards the W end of wall 0112 a length of charred timber, this may indicate the structure was mainly a timber framed building. In all likelyhood the outlines of the walls visible on the ground represent the stone plinth on which the timber frame was constructed. The discovery of the charred timber suggests fire was the main cause of abandonment of the building. Three distinct methods of flooring, limestone flag stones in the W part, very smooth through wear, also distinct patches of brick where the floor had been repaired. To the east of the flagstones, beaten earth floor … suggesting a probable internal N-S division. Lack of any visible hearth and general rough construction would seem to indicate an agricultural building rather than a dwelling. (1)
Note, the dating in the report is extremely confused, suggesting 'early post medieval', C17 and C18 dates at various points. No finds reports are included and no details are given of the pottery to clarify this situation.

<1> TPAU, Apr 2003, An Archaeological Watching Brief at Barnstone, Notts, pp 5, 6 (Unpublished document). SNT2574.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: TPAU. Apr 2003. An Archaeological Watching Brief at Barnstone, Notts. pp 5, 6.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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