Element record MNT26941 - Inhumations and finds from drainage works at Kneesall Church


Parts of 64 burials, disarticulated bones and finds from a watching brief for new drainage at Kneesall Church.


Grid reference SK 70405 64195 (point)
Map sheet SK76SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Kneesall, Newark


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

5 pits and 2 lengths of linear trench excavated - about 50 cubic metres of ground disturbed by hand and machine. Trenches were narrow so no complete burials seen or recorded. Bones from 64 identifiable skeletons recovered, along with many bones from others that had been disturbed and been returned in the backfill of later graves. The closer to the church, the more disturbed the remains were showing how heavily the churchyard has been used. Pottery recovered included 12 medieval pot sherds (from 11th to 14th century), 1 sherd of possible Romano-British pottery, 1 sherd of Middle Saxon pot, 1 sherd of Saxo-Norman and 1 sherd of Torksey-type ware. Other finds included a medieval bronze shroud pin, medieval floor tile, coffin nails, coffin handles, clay pipe, plaster, glass, tiles, and two copper alloy objects. A gilt copper coffin plate likely dates to late 17th/18th century. (1)

<1> TPAU, Jul 2002, Church of St Bartholomew's Kneesall, Nottinghamshire: Excavations for Services, 2001 (Unpublished document). SNT2580.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: TPAU. Jul 2002. Church of St Bartholomew's Kneesall, Nottinghamshire: Excavations for Services, 2001.

Finds (9)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Apr 10 2017 11:42AM

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