Element record MNT28482 - Square enclosure at Sunny Nook Farm, Harworth
Grid reference | Centred SK 62229 89320 (71m by 62m) |
Map sheet | SK68NW |
District | Bassetlaw |
Civil Parish | Harworth, Bassetlaw |
Images (0)
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Type and Period (2)
Full Description
A small square enclosure identified by the geophysical survey in the south-west corner of the Site appeared better preserved, with the ditches identified in two trenches correlating well with the geophysical anomalies. While none of the excavated slots produced any finds, it is possible that the enclosure is representative of peripheral Iron Age/Romano-British activity away from a core settlement such as the one investigated during previous works at the Symmetry Park development approximately 0.6km to the south. No evidence for internal features within the main enclosure was encountered in the trenches and given the relatively good state of preservation of the enclosure ditches this is unlikely to be a result of preservation bias and perhaps more a reflection of the enclosure’s location away from any focal points for settlement activity.
One enclosure ditch was aligned north-west/south-east, roughly matching a geophysical anomaly which appeared to form part of a square enclosure. The feature measured 1.21m wide and 0.45m deep, with steep concave sides and a concave base, and contained a single sterile fill of mid grey brown silty sand.
In the north-western half of another evaluation trench, a second ditch was encountered running on a north-east/south-west alignment, matching a geophysical anomaly forming part of the same square enclosure as the first ditch to the south. The feature measured 2.52m wide and 0.68m deep, with steep, slightly stepped sides and a narrow, concave base. A single fill of mid grey brown silty sand contained no finds.
Anna Wolf, 2021, Phase 1a & 1b, Land at Sunny Nook Farm, Blythe Road, Harworth, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation, Page 11 (Unpublished document). SNT5824.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5824 Unpublished document: Anna Wolf. 2021. Phase 1a & 1b, Land at Sunny Nook Farm, Blythe Road, Harworth, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation. Page 11.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Oct 8 2024 4:15PM