Site Event/Activity record ENT5172 - Evaluation at Sunny Nook Farm, Harworth
Location | Sunny Nook Farm, Blythe Road, Harworth, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 62433 89712 (717m by 1144m) |
Map sheet | SK68NW |
District | Bassetlaw |
Civil Parish | Harworth, Bassetlaw |
Cotswold Archaeology
Not recorded.
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The Site is located approximately 1.5km to the south of Harworth Bircotes and 500m to the north of Junction 34 of the A1(M). The current proposal Site extends to approximately 37.3 hectares of the 81.26-hectare outline area, within which approximately 35ha is suitable for survey/ investigation, and comprises agricultural land characterised by intermittenthedgerow and tree belts to the eastern and western boundaries. The Site is bounded by Blyth Road to the west and Bawtry Road to the east.
The evaluation fieldwork comprised the excavation of 130no. trenches, including 127no. measuring 50m long by 2m wide and 3no. L-shaped trenches, with each arm measuring 50m long by 2m wide. Trenches were positioned to target anomalies identified by the geophysical survey and to investigate apparently blank areas in the survey results, in order to confirm the accuracy of the results.
Despite the location of the Site within an extensive late prehistoric and Romano-British agricultural landscape, including cropmarks indicative of a former ‘brickwork’ field system within part of the Site, only very limited archaeological evidence was encountered.
In the south-west corner of the Site the undated remains of a square enclosure were encountered, matching a geophysical anomaly. On morphological grounds a later prehistoric or Roman date is conjectured for the feature.
In the east part of the site fragmentary, very poorly preserved shallow ditches or gullies were identified in an area where field boundary ditches of likely Romano-British date have previously been identified from aerial photographs.
Linear features were also identified in this area by the geophysical survey, although the evaluation demonstrated that most, if not all, of these features were the result of modern agricultural operations, comprising wheel ruts and plough scars.
Near the northern edge of the Site a series of small ditches were also encountered; these features contained no finds and did not match any geophysical anomalies. Although these features did not produce any finds, their alignments notably differed from those of the post-medieval and modern field boundaries.
Two large, slightly irregular features encountered in two trenches were interpreted as likely quarry pits of possible post-medieval date. An area of modern disturbance was also encountered in one of the two trenches.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5824 Unpublished document: Anna Wolf. 2021. Phase 1a & 1b, Land at Sunny Nook Farm, Blythe Road, Harworth, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation.
Related Monuments/Buildings (4)
Record last edited
Oct 14 2024 12:15PM