Element record MNT28502 - Pits and postholes at Church Field, Attenborough
Grid reference | Centred SK 51968 34337 (61m by 53m) |
Map sheet | SK53SW |
District | Broxtowe |
Civil Parish | Attenborough, Broxtowe |
Images (0)
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Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Of the thirty one pits/post holes six produced datable finds on excavation. In the remainder, numbering, twenty five, there were no finds present and were assumed to be early modern.
Amongst the pits that produced finds, one was the most noteworthy. On excavation a group of pottery shards, totalling 26 small pieces, probably from two smashed shards, dating to between the 5th century and the 9th century were recovered along with two medieval shards. Of the medieval shards one had been identified as Stamford Ware with a date range of between the 10th century and the end of 11th century, conceivably within the late Anglo-Saxon period.
It is likely that the pottery recovered from the pits/post holes, in common with those from the ditches, comprises re-deposited material and therefore does not necessarily date the features apart from the fact that their deposition took place within the medieval period.
Evidence for continuing activity in the early post medieval period came from some of the pits.
The later post medieval period, 18th and 19th century is almost absent with the possible exception of two lines of post holes which may be interpreted as being associated with the modern field entrance.
L. Platt, 2013, Attenborough Village Excavation: Report of an Archaeological Excavation in Advance of New Flood Defence (Unpublished document). SNT5839.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5839 Unpublished document: L. Platt. 2013. Attenborough Village Excavation: Report of an Archaeological Excavation in Advance of New Flood Defence.
Finds (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Nov 7 2024 3:37PM