Site Event/Activity record ENT5190 - Excavation at Church Field, Attenborough
Location | Church Field, Attenborough, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 51968 34337 (62m by 53m) |
Map sheet | SK53SW |
District | Broxtowe |
Civil Parish | Attenborough, Broxtowe |
Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust
Not recorded.
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Church Field, the site, lies to the east of known medieval fish ponds which are a designated Scheduled Monument. Immediately to the north west is St Mary’s church parts of the fabric of which date to the 13th century. The excavation took place on land whose current use is pasture. The site is bounded on the north and the east by 19th century housing.
The excavation of features was conducted using hand tools. All excavations were carried out in 100mm spits and the position of finds recorded. Samples for environmental analysis were taken from all excavated features. Samples comprised a minimum of 30 litres from each identifiable layer within the fill of the feature.
The pottery evidence recovered from the site indicates a span of activity stretching from the early to middle Anglo-Saxon period to the early post medieval period.
The Anglo-Saxon pottery cannot with confidence date any of the features from which it was recovered and in all probability is re-deposited. The assemblage, comprising thirty two shards, which probably come from no more than two vessels, makes up over 10% of the pottery assemblage recovered from the site. Although the pottery does not date any of the features it never the less strongly suggests a level of activity in the pre conquest period.
A level of intense activity is indicated in the medieval period with a substantial boundary ditch, only a part of which was seen, demarcating what was probably a large enclosure, cut by a number of gullies, perhaps associated with drainage. Pottery recovered dates to between the 12th and 15th centuries. The pottery is probably re deposited and therefore does not date the ditches and gullies themselves. The latter pottery, i.e. 15th century, indicates a probable latest date when the ditches were open.
The presence of structures near to the site is suggested by the building material, tile and brick, recovered from the stripped surface and from excavated features. The medieval tile covers a similar date range to the medieval pottery and both are likely to originate from the demolition of domestic buildings.
Evidence for continuing activity in the early post medieval period came from some of the pits and a stone lined drain at the eastern end of the excavation. Some of the gullies that cut the boundary ditch may also have functioned as drainage indicating that during the period in which the site was adjacent to settlement excess water was a continuing issue. The stone drain, which arguably goes out of use in the late medieval/early post medievalprobably, marks the latest phase of settlement activity near to the site.
The later post medieval period, 18th and 19th century is almost absent with the possible exception of two lines of post holes which may be interpreted as being associated with the modern field entrance.
Although no direct evidence was found for buildings or other structures much of the pottery had soot on the outer surfaces and food residues on the inside and probably originated in domestic contexts close to the site.
Following a continual period of activity in the early medieval to the post medieval periods the site has probably had little other use than as pasture on the edge of the village, a use which has continued to the present day.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5839 Unpublished document: L. Platt. 2013. Attenborough Village Excavation: Report of an Archaeological Excavation in Advance of New Flood Defence.
Related Monuments/Buildings (5)
- MNT28503 Finds from Church Field, Attenborough (Element)
- MNT28499 Medieval boundary ditch at Church Field, Attenborough (Element)
- MNT28500 Medieval linear features at Church Field, Attenborough (Element)
- MNT28502 Pits and postholes at Church Field, Attenborough (Element)
- MNT28501 Post-Medieval stone-lined drain at Church Field, Attenborough (Element)
Record last edited
Nov 7 2024 2:54PM