Element record MNT28503 - Finds from Church Field, Attenborough
Grid reference | Centred SK 51968 34337 (61m by 53m) |
Map sheet | SK53SW |
District | Broxtowe |
Civil Parish | Attenborough, Broxtowe |
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Type and Period (3)
Full Description
A total of 200 sherds, from 186 vessels, weighing 3272 grams came from the subsoil, including seven multi-sherd vessels. The pottery present in the subsoil dates from the Early/Middle Saxon to Early Modern period. A single fragment of post-medieval brick (CBM) weighing five grams also came from this deposit.
One piece of Roman roof tile was recovered from the stripped surface. This comprises the only Roman find on the site. It may have made its way to Attenborough from the known villa site at Barton- in-Fabis which lies on the opposite side of the Trent to Attenborough. An historic ferry crossing point of the Trent between Attenborough and Barton is known to exist. Barton ferry is marked on the O.S. as late as 1971, and what is now Barton Lane is recorded as Barton Ferry lane. Material from the villa may well have been ‘robbed out’ and incorporated into medieval structures in Attenborough.
Twenty abraded pieces of medieval roof tile were recovered from the stripped surface and a smaller assemblage from excavated features. They are characterised by soft firing. Two of the pieces, ANP and ACZ, have vestigial traces of glaze on their surfaces. One piece ATQ may be part of a ridge tile.
Three fragments of early brick, probably 16th century, were recovered from the stripped surface. None of these preserved complete profile either along the length or width. The depth of the brick measures 350mm/1½’ (AHQ) and 400mm/1¾’ (APU). One further piece, AHM, identifiable as an early brick by the fabric, was too incomplete to obtain a measurement.
A small assemblage of flint, (Appendix 4) was recovered from the site. Comprising four flakes in total, all the flint originated from knapping to form tools and have been dated to the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age.
L. Platt, 2013, Attenborough Village Excavation: Report of an Archaeological Excavation in Advance of New Flood Defence (Unpublished document). SNT5839.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5839 Unpublished document: L. Platt. 2013. Attenborough Village Excavation: Report of an Archaeological Excavation in Advance of New Flood Defence.
Finds (2)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Nov 7 2024 3:29PM