Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5294 - Geophysical survey, Land off George's Lane, Calverton, Nottinghamshire

Title Geophysical survey, Land off George's Lane, Calverton, Nottinghamshire
Date/Year 2016


A fluxgate gradiometer survey undertaken at Calverton in Nottinghamshire identified only limited geophysical evidence of potential archaeological remains; a small number of possible ditches in the north-western region, with at least one possible burnt area in the south-east region. Elsewhere, the recorded variation relates to modern features, including land drains and a buried service, with ephemeral linear trends potentially associated with natural features.

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Pre-Construct Geophysics Docs Reg

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Possible burning site identified in Geophysical survey (Element)
  • Potential ditches identified by Geophysical survey (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Geophysical survey, Land off George's Lane, Calverton, Nottinghamshire

Record last edited

Feb 18 2022 11:33AM

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