Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5363 - Archaeological Strip, Map and Record Report: Askham Tunnel, Holme Lane, Askham, Nottinghamshire

Title Archaeological Strip, Map and Record Report: Askham Tunnel, Holme Lane, Askham, Nottinghamshire
Date/Year 2023


An archaeological strip, map and record at Askham Tunnel, Holme Lane, Askham, Nottinghamshire, prior to determination of a planning application for works to remove two telecommunication base stations and the erection of a replacement tower. The site is in an area of potential archaeological interest, located within the vicinity of a Roman cremation burial and coin hoard. The archaeological strip, map and record took place on the 4th and 5th of May 2023 and included the excavation of a 7.5 x 10m area, encompassing the footprint of the proposed new tower. No archaeological finds or features were observed during the investigation.
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Results of a strip, map and record. Report includes location of excavation area and sections on proposed development plan.


Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Strip, Map and Record at Askham Tunnel, Askham

Record last edited

Oct 24 2023 11:32AM

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