Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5367 - Land rear of Broomfield House and Aysgarth House, Spital Road, Blyth, Worksop: Archaeological Evaluation

Title Land rear of Broomfield House and Aysgarth House, Spital Road, Blyth, Worksop: Archaeological Evaluation
Date/Year 2022


An archaeological evaluation was carried out on land at Spital Road, Blyth, as part of works to comply with an archaeological condition placed on a planning application to build new housing on land to the rear of properties fronting Spital Road. Given the potential for the disturbance of buried archaeological remains, should they exist on the site, the site was evaluated by the excavation of three trenches amounting to a 4% sample of the proposed development area. No archaeological remains were identified in the trenches.
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Results of an archaeological evaluation. Report includes trench summary and contents of the evaluation archive.


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Referenced Events (1)

  • An Archaeological Evaluation of Land rear of Broomfield House and Aysgarth House, Blyth

Record last edited

Oct 24 2023 3:08PM

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