Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5378 - Land at Low Croft, Main Street, Weston, Nottinghamshire, NG23 6ST: Archaeological Evaluation
Title | Land at Low Croft, Main Street, Weston, Nottinghamshire, NG23 6ST: Archaeological Evaluation |
Author/Originator | L. Brocklehurst |
Date/Year | 2022 |
A programme of archaeological evaluation was undertaken at Low Croft, Main Street, Weston in association with the residential development.
Low Croft is a later post-medieval dwelling that lies in the historic core of Weston, less than 100m southeast of the 13th century Church of St. Mary. The boundaries of the site are likely a remnant of the medieval village toft and croft plots, and historic mapping indicates that there has been development in the northern part of the redline, with the central and southern areas occupied by trees etc.
Of the three trenches excavated, two were archaeologically negative, whilst the other contained a single undated gully.
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Results of an archaeological evaluation. Report includes a trench location plan.
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- ENT4700 Archaeological Evaluation of Land at Low Croft, Main Street, Weston
Record last edited
Oct 30 2023 1:10PM