Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5461 - Archaeological Evaluation Report: Trial Trenching On Land East Of Bowbridge Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire

Title Archaeological Evaluation Report: Trial Trenching On Land East Of Bowbridge Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire
Date/Year 2020


An archaeological evaluation by trial trenching was undertaken on land to the east of Bowbridge Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire as a condition of planning consent for a residential development. The site is in an area of some archaeological potential; with Neolithic and Bronze Age ceramics and a Bronze Age hoard recorded to the north of the site. Evidence for Roman activity is limited, and is concentrated on the north side of Newark. The town was an important settlement in the Anglo-Saxon and medieval periods, but the historic core is centred some distance to the north of the site. The site was a focus of activity in the Civil War and several earthworks of this date survive, but none in the immediate vicinity of the site. Twelve trenches were excavated across the proposed development area, each measuring 50m long. Only Trench 7 contained any archaeological features, comprising two parallel gullies, which were devoid of finds. The results suggest a negligible archaeological potential for the proposed area of development.
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Results of an archaeological evaluation. Report includes a trench location plan.


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Referenced Events (1)

  • Archaeological Evaluation of Land East of Bowbridge Road, Newark

Record last edited

Nov 23 2023 2:39PM

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