Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5721 - Park Hall Farm, Park Hall Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report
Title | Park Hall Farm, Park Hall Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report |
Author/Originator | L. Brocklehurst |
Date/Year | 2017 |
Archaeological evaluation took place at Park Hall Farm, Park Hall Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, where outline planning permission to build up to 130 dwellings and associated site infrastructure was granted at appeal.
A 1km radius search radius of the area indicates limited previous archaeological investigation: the majority of the HER information for this area relates to elements of the 19th/early 20th century Park Hall estate (e.g. ice-houses, ha-has, sluices), which have been identified and recorded from Ordnance Survey maps.
A total of nine trenches were excavated and investigated across the development zone, each of which proved to be archaeologically sterile.
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Results of an evaluation. Report includes trench location plan
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Referenced Events (1)
- ENT5065 Evaluation at Park Hall Farm, Mansfield Woodhouse
Record last edited
Jul 22 2024 2:04PM