Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5801 - Geophysical Survey Report: Highfields Solar Farm, Costock

Title Geophysical Survey Report: Highfields Solar Farm, Costock
Date/Year 2023


A fluxgate gradiometer survey was successfully completed to assess the most of the archaeological subsurface of a c. 79.9ha of land northeast of Costock, Nottinghamshire. Several anomalies suggestive of significant archaeological activity, such as, ring ditches, enclosure systems and possible settlement activity were detected. Agricultural features including extensive ridge and furrow cultivation, former mapped field boundaries, modern ploughing and drainage features have also been identified. Some anomalies have been classified as “undetermined” throughout the survey area, however archaeological origins for these cannot be excluded. Anomalies associated with industrial/modern activities have also been identified in the northern part of the survey area. Magnetic interference due to modern activity such as telegraph poles, overhead cables, metal fences and farm tracks have also been detected across the site.

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Results of a geophysical survey. Report includes magnetic gradients, intepretations, and XY trace plots


Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Enclosure system at Highfields Solar Farm, Costock (Element)
  • Pumping house in Costock (Monument)
  • Ring ditches at Highfields Solar Farm, Costock (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Geophysical Survey at Highfields Solar Farm, Costock

Record last edited

Sep 3 2024 2:35PM

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