Site Event/Activity record ENT4815 - Evaluation near Bowbridge Road, Newark


Location Land off Bowbridge Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 4BZ
Grid reference Centred SK 80094 53033 (115m by 77m)
Map sheet SK85SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Newark, Newark



PCAS Archaeology


Not recorded.


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The site lies on the west side of Bowbridge Road, which approaches the historic core of Newark from the south where the Bowbridge and Hawton Works (gypsum, brick and plaster) lay. Lying c.1km outside of the historic core of Newark, this area has been developed over the last century as Newark has expanded. The site lies on the stretch of Bowbridge Road between the B6326 and Boundary Road. The site comprises c.1.4 acres of currently undeveloped land to the rear of the Co-Op store at no.106 Bowbridge Road; there is access to the main part of the site from the south side of the shop carpark. To the south lies the grounds of Newark Hospital, to the north the residentialcul-de-sac of Pollard Close, and to the west Bryon House, a department of the hospital. Five trenches, each measuring 30m x 2m, were excavated across the site. The purpose of the evaluation was to gather sufficient information to establish the presence / absence, location, extent, depth, condition, character, significance, quality and date of any archaeological deposits. Trenches were opened using a 360o excavator fitted with a 1.8m toothless bucket. Machine excavation was halted at the first archaeological horizon, or at the surface of the natural geology where no archaeological deposits were present; excavation thereafter was by hand. Of the five trenches excavated, two contained archaeological features. One trench contained a single modern pit, from which frequent modern waste was recovered. Whilst another trench contained a ditch and a small gully. The ditch is likely to be post-medieval in date, although it does not show on early OS mapping, and would have formed a field boundary running north to south through the site. The gully is earlier than this, however no dating evidence was recovered, and it’s use unknown. Overall, it is concluded that the proposed development site has little archaeological potential.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Leigh Brocklehurst. 2022. Land Off Bowbridge Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 4BZ: Archaeological Evaluation Report.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Ditch near Bowbridge Road, Newark (Element)

Record last edited

Jan 4 2024 2:43PM

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