Site Event/Activity record ENT5085 - Evaluation at Gateford Park, Worksop


Location Gateford Park, Gateford, Worksop, Nottinghamshire
Grid reference Centred SK 57594 82315 (1239m by 607m)
Map sheet SK58SE
District Bassetlaw
Civil Parish Worksop, Bassetlaw



University of Leicester Archaeological Services


Not recorded.


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Gateford Park lies on the northern fringes of Worksop, Nottinghamshire close to the border with Yorkshire and Derbyshire. The application area consists of four fields, broadly triangular or rectangular in shape that lie to the south of woodland and other fields. The total area of the site is c.37.5ha (92 acres) and the land lies at a height of 34m OD in the east rising to the west to 61m OD. Originally 20, 30m x 1.8m trenches totaling c. 1080 sq m. was planned. However due to site constraints, the total number of evaluation trenches was reduced to 13 (c. 624 sq m) looking at geophysical anomalies located in two fields. The topsoil and overlying layers were removed under full archaeological supervision by a JCB backhoe excavator fitted with 1.6m wide ditching bucket. Layers of soil were removed until either the top of archaeological deposits or natural undisturbed substratum was reached, or to a maximum safe depth given the specific site conditions. The bases of the trenches were cleaned in areas where potential archaeology was observed. Archaeological remains were recorded and sample excavation was undertaken in order to determine the character and date of any remains. The evaluation at Gateford Park, Worksop confirms the evidence from the geophysical results carried out prior to this stage of work, which identified linear and discrete features that appeared to be most likely late prehistoric or Romano-British in origin. Ditches and gullies were identified and excavated in ten of the thirteen trenches, with pottery exclusively Romano-British in date. Most of the material suggests a 1st - 2nd century AD date with nothing later than the 2nd century. However, one early sherd from a curvilinear ditch in a trench could suggest an earlier 1st century feature. The features are most likely to represent enclosure ditches and drainage gullies. These features appear to represent the outlying agricultural ditches of a Romano-British settlement, with the settlement focus possibly further to the south.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Tim Higgins. 2013. An Archaeological Evaluation at Gateford Park, Gateford, Worksop, Nottinghamshire.

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Ditches at Gateford Park, Worksop (Element)
  • Enclosure ditches at Gateford Park, Worksop (Element)
  • Gullies at Gateford Park, Worksop (Element)

Record last edited

Jul 29 2024 2:10PM

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