Element record MNT28398 - Gullies at Gateford Park, Worksop
Grid reference | Centred SK 57799 82289 (80m by 137m) (3 map features) |
Map sheet | SK58SE |
District | Bassetlaw |
Civil Parish | Worksop, Bassetlaw |
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Type and Period (1)
Full Description
In addition to the double ditches in one trench, a narrow gully was found running north to south into ditch. The gully feature measured 6.5m long, 0.70m wide and had an excavated depth of 0.05m. The excavated section revealed a profile which had shallow gradual sloping sides with a narrow rounded base. The fill comprised red brown sandy-silt mixed with small rounded pebbles. This gully feature suggests that internal enclosure features may survive but are perhaps heavily truncated.
Another gully feature was found cutting the colluvium four meters to the east of ditch and on the same alignment in an evaluation trench. This shallow gully measured 1.05m wide and 0.18m deep and had gradual sloping sides and flat base. It contained pale brown silty-sand fill mixed with rounded pebbles but contained no artefacts.
A single narrow gully feature was discovered running east to west at the eastern end of another evaluation trench. The gully measured 4.40m long, 0.70m wide and 0.11m deep. This shallow feature had gradual sloping sides and a flat base. The fill comprised red-brown sandy-silt with occasional pebbles. This single gully suggests that there is some potential for internal features to survive within the enclosures, but that they are likely to be heavily truncated.
Tim Higgins, 2013, An Archaeological Evaluation at Gateford Park, Gateford, Worksop, Nottinghamshire (Unpublished document). SNT5742.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5742 Unpublished document: Tim Higgins. 2013. An Archaeological Evaluation at Gateford Park, Gateford, Worksop, Nottinghamshire.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jul 29 2024 2:29PM