Element record L1374 - Cropmarks at Balderton
Grid reference | Centred SK 82840 49819 (653m by 384m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | SK84NW |
District | Newark |
Civil Parish | Balderton, Newark |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
On the west side: Thick irregular shaped features, forming irregular enclosures - could be non- archaeological. 2 possible ring ditches. (1)
Soil mark of a "D" shaped enclosure at SK 8294 4979. (2)
This site falls on arable land, freshly ploughed. Nothing of interest was seen. (3)
Known to be the site of camp enclosures connected to Balderton Airfield from Hollowdyke Lane, across Shire Lane and down past Newark Steel.
A geophysical survey identified a series of poorly-defined linear, curvilinear and ring features in the northernmost survey area; these partially coincide with aerial photographs associated with this record. (4)
The northernmost complex of the geophysical sruvey which surveyed this field comprises a number of ring ditches, possibly five in total; four are quite well-defined, the other one less so. Five of the rings appear to be associated with a curvilinear ditch which meanders across the fields along a general west-east alignment. There are a few other linear ditch-like responses though in many instances they are little more than trends. The generally weak magnetic responses associated with the rings could indicate that they are burial features (barrow ditches) or they could be the remnants of round houses. Whatever their original function, plough damage appears to be quite significant; it seems probable that the strongest magnetic components of the fills (normally in the top of a feature) may have been removed by the plough. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the magnetic response maybe presenting a false impression: if the magnetic component has been ploughed away any surviving feature fills may be magnetically sterile and hence undetectable. A final point to note is that the bedrock in this field may comprise more mudstone, than the naturally more magnetic limestone. (4)
Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.
2 colour slides (and dups), PC NT6,7, SMR
Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.
3 BW print, Pickering J, 252/6A,7A, 256/34A, SMR
<1> Pickering J, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1148.
Other Refs: 40/86, 256/34A (NLAP SK 8249/1,5)
<2> Pickering J, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1148.
Other Refs: 252/6A,7A (NLAP SK 8249/3,4)
<3> Seaman BH, 1974, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1252.
<4> John Gater, 2015, Land South of Fernwood, Nottinghamshire: Geophysical Survey Report (Unpublished document). SNT5038.
Sources/Archives (6)
- --- SNT2645 Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
- --- SNT2645 Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
- <1> SNT1148 Aerial photograph: Pickering J. Air photos.
- <2> SNT1148 Aerial photograph: Pickering J. Air photos.
- <3> SNT1252 Personal comment: Seaman BH. 1974. Pers Comm.
- <4> SNT5038 Unpublished document: John Gater. 2015. Land South of Fernwood, Nottinghamshire: Geophysical Survey Report.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 1:14PM