Element record MNT28510 - Late Iron Age gully features near Shelford Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent
Grid reference | Centred SK 65528 39924 (252m by 273m) |
Map sheet | SK63NE |
District | Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Radcliffe on Trent, Rushcliffe |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
One gully, a curvilinear feature, was located the north-western corner of the site. This feature exhibited gently sloping sides with an undulating base and contained a single fill of friable dark brown silty clay with occasional small pebble inclusions and frequent charcoal flecks. Measuring 0.64m in width and 0.3m in depth, the gully extended for a maximum length of 14.2m. Seven sherds of pottery retrieved from this fill comprised one sherd of later Iron Age date, and six of Late Iron Age date.
Approximately 20m to the southeast of the first ditch was a small, curvilinear gully. This feature was shallow, with gently sloping sides and a flat base, measuring 5.05m in length, 0.4m in width and 0.27m in depth. Contained within this feature was a single homogenous fill of friable mid brown silty clay with frequent charcoal inclusions. No dating evidence was recovered, but its proximity to the first gully could suggest an association between the features.
Shortly to the south of the first gully was a sub-oval pit, which measured 0.92m long by 0.88m wide and 0.33m deep. It had two silty clay fills, both containing charcoal. No dating evidence was present.
A ring gully was located around 95m to the southeast of the first gully. Heavy truncated had removed any evidence of floor deposits or structural elements, with only the very base of the gully surviving. When extrapolated, the interior diameter of the ring gully would have originally measured approximately 8.3m. The gully was infilled by a friable light brownish grey silty clay, which did not produce any finds. It was truncated by a later enclosure ditch recut.
A single ovoid pit was situated at the north-western terminus of the ring gully. Measuring 0.72m in length, 0.66m in width and 0.17m in depth. The pit had gently sloping sides with a flat base. This feature contained a single fill of friable mid greyish brown clay.
A series of three gullies in a tight formation were positioned all truncated by a later enclosure. The northernmost of these was a north-east to south-west orientated feature that measured 14.97m in length, 0.6m in width and 0.3m in depth. This feature had gradually sloping sides with a concave base and contained a single fill of firmly compacted dark reddish brown silty clay with moderate mudstone fragments and charcoal flecks.
To the southeast of the first of the three features was the second feature, which extended for an observed length of c 10m and width of 1m. The depth of this feature was 0.45m. This gully had been infilled in a single event represented by a fill which was composed of softly compacted light brown silty clay. Located approximately 3.2m south-east of the second feature was a broadly comtemporary gully which measured 0.86m in width and 0.3m in depth. This feature exhibited sloping sides with a flat base and contained a single fill of friable mid reddish brown silty clay.
Two linear gullies were also present. Both were of similar dimensions, between 0.8-1m wide by 0.40-0.45m deep, with silty clay fills. The only dating evidence was a sherd of later Iron Age pottery from one the the two gullies.
C. Collins and K. Poole, 2020, Land off Shelford Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire: Report on an Archaeological Strip, Map and Record, Page 20-21 (Unpublished document). SNT5853.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5853 Unpublished document: C. Collins and K. Poole. 2020. Land off Shelford Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire: Report on an Archaeological Strip, Map and Record. Page 20-21.
Finds (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Dec 9 2024 11:33AM