Element record MNT28511 - Early Roman agricultural system


Evidence for early Roman agricultural system including enclosures, gullies and more.


Grid reference Centred SK 65533 39943 (260m by 309m)
Map sheet SK63NE
District Rushcliffe
Civil Parish Radcliffe on Trent, Rushcliffe


Type and Period (6)

Full Description

This phase of activity encapsulates a shift of site usage from enclosed settlement to more dispersed activities thought to be associated with the agricultural economy. As with some of the previous activity contexts, pottery of later Iron Age, Late Iron Age and Early Romano-British date was often found in the same contexts. However, a greater proportion of the later Iron Age and Late Iron Age wares in these contexts were abraded, compared to the earlier phase.

Many of the main features present in the Late Iron Age-Early Romano-British settlement phase of the site survived into this phase of activity. In addition, many of the smaller, rectilinear and curvilinear enclosures appear to have been positioned in relation to the earlier boundary system, sitting within, and in some cases conjoining, the larger enclosures. Despite this, the overall layout of the site is less ordered and perhaps more organic in plan than was the case during the Late Iron Age-Early Romano-British phase of activity.

The date ranges for the radiocarbon dates obtained from features ascribed to this phase are somewhat mixed, but in three of four cases have ranges that extended into the mid-later 1st century, but not beyond. This would be consistent with the findings of the pottery, which suggests that is it unlikely that the assemblage extends much beyond the late 1st century AD, if at all.

Copper alloy brooches were retrieved from two features. The fill of a cut that formed part of an enclosure dated to the second half of the 1st century AD. A pit had two brooches, one dating to the second half of the 1st century AD and the other dating to the 1st century AD onwards.

One radiocarbon date from a feature dated to somewhat earlier than artefactual evidence. Charred grain from the fill of a ditch cut gave a range of 196 to 54 cal BC. However, the position of this feature in the stratigraphic sequence and the residual nature of much of the pre-Romano-British pottery in the features indicates that the grain was residual.

Boundary ditches were present during this phase.

Within the enclosure system set out in earlier phases of activity and this phase were a series of smaller enclosures defined by gullies/ditches. They were mostly rectilinear in form, although some were more of an irregular, curvilinear shape.

A series of short linear gullies were present within the site, particularly within the nort-east part of the main excavation area. These may represent drainage features, as well as the remains of enclosures that have been largely truncated away. In many cases it's unclear whether these features were contemporary with the enclosures, although some can be seen to post-date them.

Located 15.5m north-east of a roundhouse was a small hearth.

A series of pits and post-holes attributed to this phase of site usage were distributed across the site in a seemingly random arrangement.

This phase of activity represents a greater concern for stock management, and perhaps crop processing and storage, towards the latter stage of Late Iron Age to Early Romano-British occupation. The small enclosures thought to have been largely used as stock compounds appeared to be randomly dispersed across the landscape, and it is possible that many of them are representative of a more seasonal or sporadic use.

The finds assemblage derived from the contexts, although still exhibiting a mixture of Late Iron Age and Early Romano-British artefacts, trends more towards a mid to late 1st century AD date.

C. Collins and K. Poole, 2020, Land off Shelford Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire: Report on an Archaeological Strip, Map and Record (Unpublished document). SNT5853.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: C. Collins and K. Poole. 2020. Land off Shelford Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire: Report on an Archaeological Strip, Map and Record.

Finds (7)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Dec 9 2024 2:11PM

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