Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT4633 - Earthwork, Fluxgate Gradiometer and Resistivity Surveys: Jordan's Castle, Wellow

Title Earthwork, Fluxgate Gradiometer and Resistivity Surveys: Jordan's Castle, Wellow
Date/Year 2005


Report on a topographical survey using a Totalstation and resistivity and gradiometer surveys carried out on the site of Jordan's Castle and surrounding fields in 2005. Numerous features were recorded including ridge and furrow, ditches, a holloway, building platforms and the ringwork itself.
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Referenced Monuments (8)

  • Building platforms at Jordan's Castle (Element)
  • Causeway at Jordan's Castle (Element)
  • Holloway at Jordan's Castle (Element)
  • Medieval ringwork at Jordan's Castle. Wellow (Monument)
  • Pennanular ditch (Element)
  • Ponds at Jordan's Castle (Element)
  • Ridge and furrow at Jordan's Castle (Element)
  • Ridge and furrow with headland (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Earthwork and geophysical survey at Jordan's Castle

Record last edited

Dec 13 2016 12:21PM

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