Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT4903 - Former Magnus Grammar School, Appleton Gate, Newark: Archaeological Assessment

Title Former Magnus Grammar School, Appleton Gate, Newark: Archaeological Assessment
Date/Year 2011


This document is a Heritage Statement for a proposed redevelopment site at the former Magnus Grammar School, Appleton Gate, Newark. The proposed development site lies within the current town centre and on the eastern boundary of the medieval town core, on the east side of Appleton Gate, opposite the church of St. Mary Magdalene. It falls within the Conservation Area of the old town. The site is thought to have lain outside the town walls until the 12th century, and to have been on the edge of the town through the remainder of the medieval period. The first school building, completed in 1532, was probably constructed on a ‘greenfield’ site at the edge of the 16th century town. The school complex accreted extensions and new buildings throughout its lifespan, possibly beginning its expansion in the late 17th century and continuing throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, reaching its greatest extent at the beginning of the 20th century. An extensive rebuilding and restoration programme, carried out in 1914, involved the demolition of a number of buildings, including the western extension of the original Tudor school.

External Links (0)


Results of a desk-based assessment and geotechnical test pitting. Report includes photographic survey orientation plans


Referenced Monuments (2)


Referenced Events (3)

  • Desk-Based Assessment of Former Magnus Grammar School, Newark
  • Excavation of 13 test pits at Former Magnus Grammar School
  • Geotechnical Test Pitting at Former Magnus Grammar School, Newark

Record last edited

Feb 5 2025 12:11PM

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