Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5607 - Worksop Community Hub, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Watching Brief
Title | Worksop Community Hub, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Watching Brief |
Author/Originator | Tim Cobbold |
Date/Year | 2009 |
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken on the site of a car park off Memorial Avenue. The watching brief was required as a condition of planning consent for redevelopment at the site. The scope of works consisted of archaeological monitoring of preparatory ground-working activities on-site, including construction of an access road with a service trench beneath it, reduction of the ground level within the footprint of the new building, and excavation of a number of service trenches and holes for the insertion of waste-water tanks.
The base of a narrow stone wall was located within the service trench underlying the access road. The date of the feature was unclear, although it may relate to a post-medieval field boundary. A disused manhole was identified roughly in the centre of the footprint of the new building. No other archaeological features were identified, and no artefacts were recovered during the watching brief.
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Results of a watching brief. Report includes photograph of wall remains.
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MNT28251 Wall near Memorial Avenue, Worksop (Element)
Referenced Events (1)
- ENT4933 Watching Brief near Memorial Avenue, Worksop
Record last edited
May 30 2024 4:54PM