Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5615 - Archaeological Evaluation on Land at Braemar Farm, Swinderby Road, Collingham, Nottinghamshire

Title Archaeological Evaluation on Land at Braemar Farm, Swinderby Road, Collingham, Nottinghamshire
Date/Year 2015


An archaeological evaluation was undertaken on land at Braemar Farm, Collingham, Nottinghamshire prior to a proposed development. This was because the area was archaeologically sensitive with artefacts and remains of prehistoric, Roman and medieval date having been identified nearby. Cropmarks of undated but possibly prehistoric remains have also been recorded in the vicinity. Geophysical survey of the site identified some linear patterns, that may represent former field divisions, and possible pit-type anomalies. The evaluation revealed several undated linear features, probably field boundaries. Narrow gullies revealed in the western part of the site may represent early enclosures. However, there were no finds from the evaluation.
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Results of an evaluation. Report includes trench location plan and representative sections


Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Ditches near Braemar Farm, Collingham (Element)
  • Gullies near Braemar Farm, Collingham (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Evaluation near Braemar Farm, Collingham

Record last edited

Jun 3 2024 3:53PM

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