Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5679 - Archaeological Watching Brief of Groundworks at All Saints Church, Harworth, Nottinghamshire

Title Archaeological Watching Brief of Groundworks at All Saints Church, Harworth, Nottinghamshire
Date/Year 2007


A watching brief was undertaken during groundworks at All Saints Church, Harworth, Nottinghamshire. The watching brief monitored the removal of the floor and excavation of deposits within the church tower, along with the insertion of a new drainage run cut through the tower base and lying within the graveyard. The church is a Grade II Listed Building, originally Norman and dating from the 12th century, although very little of the original remains. The church tower is 14th or 15th century in date. The watching brief revealed a sequence of undated and medieval deposits. Medieval activity was represented by the foundations of the nave and tower walls. Undated layers included two make up layers, one of which can likely be associated with the 19th century repairs and rebuilding of the church. The other contained human remains and was seen to be stratigraphically later than the known medieval deposits. Human remains recovered during the excavation were given to the incumbent for re-interment. A small quantity of post-medieval artefacts were retrieved during the investigation.

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Results of a watching brief. Report includes plan of tower and specification of watching brief.


Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Church of All Saints, Harworth (Building)
  • Medieval foundations of All Saints Church, Harworth (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Watching Brief at All Saints Church, Harworth

Record last edited

Jul 5 2024 1:01PM

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