Site Event/Activity record ENT4929 - Evaluation at Fernwood Extension North, Newark
Location | Fernwood Extension North, Newark, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 4829e 3513e (1467m by 908m) |
Map sheet | SK43NE |
District | Newark |
Civil Parish | Newark, Newark |
Oxford Archaeology
Not recorded.
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The site lies immediately north of Fernwood, Balderton and is c. 55.8ha in size. The A1 dual carriageway runs along the north-western boundary of the site and a railway line runs along the north-eastern boundary, both of which represent the county parish boundary. Housing estates in Fernwood are located along part of the southern and western boundaries.
The area of proposed development consists of large agricultural fields divided by hedgerows. A single track road runs south-east to north-west through the site.
A programme of 150 evaluation trenches measuing up to 50m by 2m were targeted on the archaeological areas identified in the previous geophysical survey. A series of 10 potential areas of archaeology were identified in the survey including a square enclosure, potential roundhouse/barrow, enclosure ditches, ditches and pit clusters. The remaining trenches made up the remaining 3% sample of the proposed development area.
The evaluation trenching has identified activity across the proposed development area that was initially identified in the geophysical survey. Archaeological features were identified in two fields in the form of a potential wondmill mound and two prehistoric enclosures. A small area of Bronze Age archaeology was found in the form of an urned Bronze Age cremation in the southern limit of the third field.
A small number of other features were uncovered across the site. These appear to be realted to either RAF Balderton, which was in existence between 1941-1957, or historical field boundaries.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5603 Unpublished document: Lee Sparks. 2018. Fernwood Extension North, Newark, Nottinghamshire.
Related Monuments/Buildings (8)
- MNT28243 Cremation burial at Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
- MNT28242 Ditch and posthole at Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
- MNT28240 Ditches at Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
- MNT28241 Ditches at Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
- MNT28238 Enclosure at Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
- MNT28244 Field boundaries at Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
- MNT28245 Finds from Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
- MNT28239 Ring gully at Fernwood Extension North, Newark (Element)
Record last edited
May 29 2024 2:14PM