Site Event/Activity record ENT5188 - Trial Trench Evaluation at Tritax Park, Coddington
Location | Tritax Park, Coddington, Newark, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 82394 55356 (848m by 805m) |
Map sheet | SK85NW |
District | Newark |
Civil Parish | Coddington, Newark |
Oxford Archaeology
Not recorded.
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The site lies approximately 2.5m to the northeast of the town of Newark-on-Trent and to the north of the village of Coddington. The site is bordered to the north by the A17, and to the west by industrial premises including the Curry’s National Distribution Centre, and the A1.
Trenches were excavated by mechanical excavator under direct supervision of a competent archaeological banksman at all times. Excavation progressed in spits of no more than 200mm with topsoil and subsoil kept separate and stored adjacent to, but at a safe distance from either side of the trench. Mechanical excavation continued to the top of the natural geology or the first significant archaeological horizon, whichever was encountered first.
The trial-trenching broadly confirmed the veracity of the geophysical survey. The evaluation produced 5 sherds of probable Iron Age pottery and one sherd of unstratified Roman pottery from 114 trenches. Outside of the ‘clothesline’ type enclosure evidence was found for a single ditch likely to be of Iron Age date, a further undated ditch and four undated pits. The remaining features were of post-medieval or later date and related to agriculture or drainage and are of no archaeological interest.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5838 Unpublished document: Aidan Parker and Paul Simkins. 2024. Tritax Park, Coddington, Newark Trial Trench Evaluation and Strip, Map and Sample.
Related Monuments/Buildings (2)
Record last edited
Nov 4 2024 2:25PM