Element record MNT27832 - Rifle range, WWI training camp


FIRING RANGE (First World War)


Grid reference Centred SK 60731 61221 (1058m by 723m)
Map sheet SK66SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Edwinstowe, Newark
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

They comprised three ranges, all aligned with their butts to the north and firing galleries / positions extending to the south at regular 100 yard intervals. The eastern range was the longest with five
firing positions up to a maximum range of 600 yards, the western range had four positions at up to 500 yards from the targets and a smaller range was set between the two larger ones with just two positions visible.
The location of these ranges in this area appears to have been dictated by the local topography. All firing positions were situated on a gently sloping north-facing incline, affording full visibility to the targets constructed where the land rises to the north. The former route of Eakring Road - now an established trackway - runs between the rifle butts and firing positions following the course of a shallow relict watercourse carved into the sandstone.
No 100 yard firing positions were found in relation to any of the ranges. This could be because they have since been infilled, however it is more likely they were never constructed as this would have forced soldiers to fire their weapons uphill increasing the chances of sending projectiles over the training ground to the north.

The rifle range butts were up to 6m high in places with a deep depressions on their northern and southern sides, and a raised bank south of them. The butt had been created by bunding earth from the north, while the raised bank to the south was most likely formed through creation of the depression between them. Several cycle paths and footpaths cross the features where the vegetation is at its lowest .

Chris Casswell, 2022, Veiled Landscape Project: Sherwood Pines LiDAR Survey and Ground Truthing Report, p.10 (Unpublished document). SNT5320.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Chris Casswell. 2022. Veiled Landscape Project: Sherwood Pines LiDAR Survey and Ground Truthing Report. p.10.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (9)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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