Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5527 - Archaeological Evaluation Report: Land at Coghill Court, Southwell, Nottinghamshire.

Title Archaeological Evaluation Report: Land at Coghill Court, Southwell, Nottinghamshire.
Date/Year 2021


An archaeological evaluation by trial trenching was undertaken on land at Coghill Court, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, as a condition of planning consent for a residential development. There is significant evidence for Roman and medieval activity in Southwell, mostly centred around Southwell Minster, to the northeast of the site. The evaluation trenching comprised three 15m x 1.8m trenches. The trial trenching exposed a series of north – south aligned ditches, containing small quantities of medieval pottery, animal bone and hammerscale, as well as a brick wall relating to an early 20th century building. The ditches were sealed by a buried soil layer and a series of levelling deposits. Historic mapping suggests the site lies in an area of potential medieval burgage plots dividing land between Westgate to the north and Potwell Dyke to the south.

External Links (0)


Results of an evaluation. Report includes pottery report, small finds report, ceramic building material report, slag report, animal bone report and, archaeobotanical report


Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Ditch near Coghill Court, Southwell (Element)
  • Ditch near Coghill Court, Southwell (Element)
  • Ditch near Coghill Court, Southwell (Element)
  • Ditch near Coghill Court, Southwell (Element)
  • Ditch near Coghill Court, Southwell (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Evaluation near Coghill Court, Southwell

Record last edited

Feb 8 2024 1:49PM

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