Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5556 - Archaeological Evaluation Report: Test Pitting and Trial Trenching At Farndon Cricket Club, Newark Road, Farndon
Title | Archaeological Evaluation Report: Test Pitting and Trial Trenching At Farndon Cricket Club, Newark Road, Farndon |
Author/Originator | Emily Danielsson |
Date/Year | 2022 |
An archaeological evaluation by test pitting and trial trenching was undertaken at Farndon Cricket Club, Newark Road, Farndon, Nottinghamshire, prior to determination of a planning application for a new cricket pavilion.
The site lies in an area of high archaeological potential, with particular regards to the nationally important Late Upper Palaeolithic activity recently revealed in the immediate vicinity of site. The site of interest, Farndon Fields and other sites in the area, have produced a vast number of LUP flints recovered from a number of archaeological interventions including; field walking, test pitting and trial trenching that have been conducted between 1991- 2009. The community project ‘Ice Age Journeys’ produced further flints including further evidence for LUP Creswellian and Federmesser activity.
Roman activity is also well represented, primarily surrounding the Roman Fosse Way immediately west of the site. This was a focus of Roman activity with evidence for extensive settlement activity at Newark to the north and Ad Pontem to the southwest.
Newark is also closely associated with the Civil War, being a central point due to its strategic location on the Great North Road. Remnants of fortifications and siege works are extant in the surrounding area including an angle bastion and a stretch of curtain wall are known at Farndon.
The evaluation works comprised the hand excavation of six 1m x 1m test pits and two 20m long by 1.8m wide machine excavated trenches; situated over the locations of the test pits.
The test pits and trenches revealed only a natural stratigraphic sequence which yielded no archaeological features or deposits of interest. A single sherd of Late Bronze Age to early Iron Age and a sherd of medieval pottery were recovered from subsoil contexts.
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Results of test pitting and trial trenching. Report includes pottery reports.
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MNT28106 Finds from Farndon Cricket Club, Farndon (Element)
Referenced Events (2)
Record last edited
Mar 12 2024 4:27PM