Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5845 - Land At the Former Mount School, Mount Land, Newark, Nottinghamshire: Scheme of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Title Land At the Former Mount School, Mount Land, Newark, Nottinghamshire: Scheme of Archaeological Monitoring and Recording
Date/Year 2018


Archaeological monitoring and recording took place during foundation trench excavations for the construction of a sustainable sheltered housing development at the former Mount Lane School site, Newark, Nottinghamshire. Some of the exposed deposits were determined to be redeposited materials from a former bank or mound: the presence of raised ground or a mound has been noted at this location since the early 19th century and is preserved in the names of Mount Lane and the adjacent Mount Square. Archaeological and historical theories as to its purpose range from possible early medieval or medieval town defences to an artillery post from the mid-16th century or from the period of Civil War activity. A single sherd of 16th- to mid-17th-century pottery was retrieved from the lowest of the bank deposits, suggesting that one of the two later interpretations is likely to be correct. A 19th century brick well, a pit and wall line were also recorded during the groundworks, and remnants of Victorian buildings relating to the school that previously occupied the site.

External Links (0)


Results of a watching brief. Report includes Post-Medieval pottery report and evaluation of archaeobotanical remains


Referenced Monuments (5)

  • "THE MOUNT", NEWARK (Element)
  • MOUNT SCHOOL (Building)
  • Pit at the former Mount School, Newark (Element)
  • Victorian brick wall foundation from Mount School, Newark (Element)
  • Victorian well at the former Mount School, Newark (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Monitoring and Recording at the Former Mount School, Newark

Record last edited

Nov 12 2024 5:33PM

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