Site Event/Activity record ENT209 - Vale of Belvoir Survey
Location | |
Grid reference | SK 75000 35000 (point) |
Map sheet | SK73NE |
District | Newark |
District | Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Hawksworth, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Langar cum Barnstone, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Orston, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Scarrington, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Screveton, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Shelton, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Sibthorpe, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Thoroton, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Tithby, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Bingham, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Wiverton Hall, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Car Colston, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Aslockton, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Flawborough, Rushcliffe |
Civil Parish | Flintham, Rushcliffe |
TVARC/Leicestershire Museums
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Survey was designed to provide information against which to plan coal mining and housing developments. Nine parishes were selected intially to form a transect; Bingham, Tithby, Wiverton Hall, Langar and Barnstone in Notts. [See E 1482 for related field survey event]. All ploughed fields were walked in winter, 1,540 hectares/21% of the whole area as well as fields as cropmarks. Fields walked in 10m transects. (1) In later phases of the project other parishes were covered including Flintham, Sibthorpe, Scarrington, Screveton, Car Colston, Hawksworth, Thoroton, Shelton, Aslockton, Flawborough and Orston (2).
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SNT394 Published document: Thoroton Society. 1981. TTS. 85. 85/1981/13.
- <2> SNT164 Published document: EMAB eds. 1979-82. East Midlands Archaeological Bulletin. 13. 13/1979-1982.
- <3> SNT573 Unpublished document: Coleman SR. 1979. Archaeology and Landscape in the Vale of Belvoir - A survey, October 1978 - March 1979.
Related Monuments/Buildings (97)
- L1358 1 sherd of Ro pottery, Bingham (Element)
- L1359 1 sherd of Ro pottery, Bingham (Element)
- L1360 1 sherd of Ro pottery, Bingham (Element)
- L1242 Bank across centre of field to S of Stroom Dyke, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L1368 Bronze Age to Roman pottery scatter near River Smite, Wiverton (Element)
- L8117 Complex of dark features, Flintham (Element)
- L1193 Double rectangular enclosure, Bingham (Element)
- L1238 Early medieval pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L1237 Extensive scatter of worked flint, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L1234 Extensive scatter of worked flints, Smite Hill, Langar cum Barnstone & Wiverton Hall (Element)
- L1185 Faint cropmarks, Tithby (Element)
- L1239 Flaked flint tool, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L1190 Flint scraper, Wiverton Hall (Element)
- L8107 flints found, Sibthorpe (Element)
- L8072 Flints, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8077 Flints, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8129 Grey ware sherds, Sibthorpe (Element)
- L8122 Grey ware, Screveton (Element)
- L8144 IA and Ro pottery, Scarrington and Aslockton (Element)
- L1503 IA sherds, Thoroton (Element)
- L8150 Iron Age and Roman pottery, Aslockton (Element)
- L8140 Iron Age and Roman pottery, Scarrington (Element)
- L8063 Iron Age pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8142 Large quantity of worked flint, Scarrington (Element)
- L8125 Leaf shaped arrowhead, Hawksworth (Element)
- L1367 Med and P Med pottery at Wiverton Hall (Element)
- L8058 Med and P Med sherds, Bingham (Element)
- L8151 Med pottery, Aslockton (Element)
- L8155 Med pottery, Flawborough (Element)
- L8145 Med pottery, Scarrington & Aslockton (Element)
- L8130 Med pottery, Sibthorpe (Element)
- L8075 Medieval pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L9589 Medieval pottery, Aslockton (Element)
- L8156 Medieval pottery, Flawborough (Element)
- L8101 Medieval pottery, Flintham (Element)
- L8119 Medieval pottery, Flintham (Element)
- L8124 Medieval pottery, Hawksworth (Element)
- L8127 Medieval pottery, Hawksworth (Element)
- L8073 Medieval pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8157 Medieval pottery, Orston (Element)
- L8114 Medieval pottery, Scarrington (Element)
- L8121 Medieval pottery, Screveton (Element)
- L9587 Medieval pottery, Shelton (Element)
- L8051 Medieval pottery, Tithby (Element)
- L8108 Medieval sherds, Sibthorpe (Element)
- L8138 Much worked flint, Scarrington (Element)
- L8143 Neo-BA flint sickle blade, Scarrington (Element)
- L9586 Possible Iron Age pottery, Flintham (Element)
- L8089 Post Medieval pottery, Wiverton Hall (Element)
- L1175 Prehistoric flint finds, Bingham (Element)
- L9590 Quantity of Med pottery, Flawborough (Element)
- L1189 Rectangular enclosure, Wiverton Hall (Element)
- L1188 Rectangular enclosures, Wiverton Hall (Element)
- L8148 Ro pottery, Scarrington & Aslockton (Element)
- L8137 Roman coin, Shelton (Element)
- L8115 Roman finds, Car Colston (Element)
- L8062 Roman finds, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8109 Roman grey wares, Sibthorpe (Element)
- L1528 Roman pot, Flawborough (Element)
- L8079 Roman pottery, Bingham (Element)
- L8080 Roman pottery, Bingham (Element)
- L9616 Roman pottery, Bingham (Element)
- L8154 Roman pottery, Flawborough (Element)
- L8100 Roman pottery, Flintham (Element)
- L8118 Roman pottery, Flintham (Element)
- L1240 Roman pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L1241 Roman pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L5934 Roman pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8071 Roman pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8076 Roman pottery, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8113 Roman pottery, Scarrington (Element)
- L8147 Roman pottery, Scarrington and Aslockton (Element)
- L8134 Roman pottery, Shelton (Element)
- L8131 Roman pottery, Thoroton (Element)
- L8049 Roman pottery, Tithby (Element)
- L8153 Roman sherds, Aslockton (Element)
- L1504 Small flint scatter, Thoroton (Element)
- L8059 Thumbnail scraper, Bingham (Element)
- L8074 Worked flint, Langar cum Barnstone (Element)
- L8139 Worked flint, Scarrington (Element)
- L8132 Worked flint, Thoroton (Element)
- L8152 Worked flints, Aslockton (Element)
- L1353 Worked flints, Bingham (Element)
- L1354 Worked flints, Bingham (Element)
- L1355 Worked flints, Bingham (Element)
- L1356 Worked flints, Bingham (Element)
- L1357 Worked flints, Bingham (Element)
- L8099 Worked flints, Flintham (Element)
- L8123 Worked flints, Hawksworth (Element)
- L8126 Worked flints, Hawksworth (Element)
- L8112 Worked flints, Scarrington (Element)
- L8146 Worked flints, Scarrington & Aslockton (Element)
- L8120 Worked flints, Screveton (Element)
- L8136 Worked flints, Shelton (Element)
- L1235 Worked flints, Tithby (Element)
- L5936 Worked flints, Tithby (Element)
- L8050 Worked flints, Tithby (Element)
Record last edited
Sep 28 2015 11:13AM