Monument record M3069 - ROMAN VILLA AT SOUTHWELL


VILLA (Roman)


Grid reference SK 70299 53749 (point)
Map sheet SK75SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Southwell, Newark


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

2 wings of a Ro villa, probably of courtyard type, located in IAM excavations in 1959. The E wing contained a cold bath and had painted wall plaster. The S wing contained 6 rooms, 4 with mosaics, 2 with hypocausts. Occupation began in Hadriannic-Antonine times. The bulk of the material is of C3 and early C4 date. A trickle of pottery runs on into the latter half of that century and then stops until the Saxon finds (see L8440). The site is larger and more elaborate than Mansfield (villa). (1)
Excavation by CM Daniels in 1959 on site for new Grammar School revealed Ro buildings which extended into the garden of the Provost's residence. A mosaic was found here in 1901. Parts of 4 more pavements with geometric designs were seen and reburied. (2)
Ro material is still found in the garden of Vicar's court. A representative collection from the 1959 excavation is in NCM. (3)
Now perhaps half of the site is garden and playing field but landscaping has undoubtedly affected the archaeology. A human skull found here in 1984 presumably Med (see M8441). (4)
Subject of a 2001 dissertation which brought together the published excavation material with Daniel's site notes. (4)
Several phases identifield. Fairly substantial masonry building on the site during the first half of the 2nd century accompanied by masonry and timber ancillary buildings on lower ground to the east. Early date is unusual for villas in this region. Then demolished and new villa built late 2nd to 3rd century. Part of east wing and baths excavated by Daniels. Other finds of this date from north side of Chruch Street and Platt's Orchard. Possible water mill on Minster School site. Late villa (late 3rd and 4th centuries) continued division between large residential building on higher ground to the west and the ancillary buildings on lower wetter ground to the east. Divided by a large wall of dressed stone. Bath house altered. Much of the excavated remains of the southern wing are from this period - six rooms, four with geometric mosaics. Two substantial buildings on the south side of the area and a large aisled building. A high status villa reused for an early Medieval cemetery. A rare example of an aggrandised elaborate villa. Fewer than ten villas in Britain known to have mosaics dating to the mid 2nd century. The Southwell villa seems to have a special status. Covers a substantial area, assuming remains are beneath the Dean's Residence and Vicar's Court, then extending to north side of Church Street, to the east across to the Potewell Dyke, Platt's Orchard to the north east and possibly to the west under the Minster itself if the tessellated pavement beneath the south transept is in its original location.(5)
See M3068 - Bishop's Palace, M3148 - Minster

Samuels JR, 1985, AM107 (Unpublished document). SNT1230.

John Samuels Archaeological Consultants, 2002, Report on Archaeological Evaluation at the Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire (Unpublished document). SNT5161.

W. Bowden, 2017, From villa to minster at Southwell (Article in monograph). SNT5068.

<1> Thoroton Society, 1966, TTS, pp 13-54 (Published document). SNT379.

<2> DOE, AM7 - undated, no author (Unpublished document). SNT52.

<3> Colquhoun FD, 1974, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT582.

<4> Alison Wilson, 2001, A Study of the Romano-British Villa at Southwell in Nottinghamshire (Unpublished document). SNT4859.

<5> W. Bowden, 2017, From villa to minster at Southwell (Article in monograph). SNT5068.

Sources/Archives (8)

  • --- Unpublished document: Samuels JR. 1985. AM107.
  • --- Article in monograph: W. Bowden. 2017. From villa to minster at Southwell.
  • --- Unpublished document: John Samuels Archaeological Consultants. 2002. Report on Archaeological Evaluation at the Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire.
  • <1> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1966. TTS. 70. pp 13-54.
  • <2> Unpublished document: DOE. AM7 - undated, no author.
  • <3> Personal comment: Colquhoun FD. 1974. Pers Comm.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Alison Wilson. 2001. A Study of the Romano-British Villa at Southwell in Nottinghamshire.
  • <5> Article in monograph: W. Bowden. 2017. From villa to minster at Southwell.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (18)

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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