Monument record M1741 - ROMAN TOWN OF MARGIDUNUM


TOWN (Roman)


Grid reference Centred SK 70098 41669 (385m by 509m)
Map sheet SK74SW
District Rushcliffe
Civil Parish Bingham, Rushcliffe
Civil Parish Car Colston, Rushcliffe
Civil Parish East Bridgford, Rushcliffe
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Earthworks forming a rhomboid, surrounded by wide ditch and traversed diagonally by the Fosse Way. Was being excavated. (1)
The 1966-8 excavations were undertaken prior to the construction of a large roundabout with a new link road to Bingham, and this now covers c 1/4 of the site on the SW. The surviving parts of the perimeter ditch are on arable land and remain much as published, save that the S part of the E ditch has now gone. A broad ill defined depression across a rough grass field probably marks the line of the W ditch. (2)
Northern earthwork is best preserved on (sic) low mound or bank 0.50m high in ploughed field and traceable to W under scrub and garden. E side not at all clearly visible. Excavation over a long period of time revealed a settlement with intense activity during the C1 AD, which was later enclosed with a defensive ditch and bank. Several of Oswald's calculations about the date and function of the site have been challenged and disproved. Margidunum is no longer seen as a military installation but as a small town straddling the Fosse Way. If a fort did exist, it may have been further to the N on higher ground. (3)
The (1966-8) excavations at the site were occasioned by a massive scheme of road-improvements along the course of the Fosse Way. Immediately outside the south defences…another important road (A6097) joins the Fosse…The junction thus formed has now been provided with a large traffic roundabout… Since the new roundabout was to impinge upon a substantial part of the south defences of Margidunum, as well as about a quarter of the interior and a significant part of the site immediately outside the south gate…most of the effort was directed towards examination of this area. Since the military occupation of Margidunum, however, was clearly of potentially great significance, a limited amount of time was spent on trial-trenching north of the settlement. (14)
Dendrochronology dating on planks from the [C1] well excavated by Oswald gave a 'floating' chronology of 185 years …[the trees were] characteristic of slow grown timber taken from the 'wild wood'. (16) (17)
A complex sequence of archaeological deposits has added significantly to our knowledge of the density and state of preservation of the archaeological remains beneath the present roundabout (including features identified in earlier excavation). The northernmost 89m of the trench revealed an unexpected density of features and deposits. This suggests that the roadside verge, where unaffected by service trenches, could contain some of the better preserved remains within the interior of the Roman town. (18)
Skerry blocks aligned roughly E-W, possibly RB wall. Some indication of an earlier focus around (pit) 189a and a general spread of activity over the area in C3 and C4. (19)
See L8175 for Neo finds, L8176 for BA finds, L1742 for brooch finds spot, M17991 for cemetery, M17992 for Ro fort.

Watching brief of test pit excavations in the vicinity of Schedule Ancient Monument, Margidunum revealed Romano-British pottery from the 1st to the 4th century AD with 3rd and 4th century pottery from stratified layers. (20)

Gradiometer survey completed in vicinty to Sceduled Ancient Monument discovered linear anomalies consistent with orientation of Roman settlement 120m south and 200m east (20)

Data Held (Document). SNT2647.

OS card, Parish File

Data Held: Ground Photograph (Ground photograph). SNT2646.

6 BW print (? cemetery), archive box

TPAT, 01/1994, Alluvial and Lacustrine Deposits: Archaeological Assessment of Crown Estate Lands Near Bingham, Nottinghamshire (Unpublished document). SNT2072.

J. Greig, 1993, Magiodunum Pollen Results (Document). SNT5151.

Beta Analytic Inc., 1995, Carbon-14 dates from Margidunum (Unpublished document). SNT5152.

F Condron, 1996, Roman small towns in the East Midlands: A regional study of settlement development and interaction. (Published document). SNT4754.

<1> DOE, 1924, AM7 (Unpublished document). SNT54.

<2> Seaman BH, 1974, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1252.

<3> Samuels JR, 1985, AM107 (Unpublished document). SNT1230.

<4> Society for … Ro Studies, 1923, JRS, pp 114-126 (Published document). SNT198.

<5> Society for … Ro Studies, 1926, JRS, pp 36-44 (Published document). SNT199.

<6> Oswald F, 1927, Margidunum (Monograph). SNT10.

<7> Society for … Ro Studies, 1941, JRS, pp 32-62 (Published document). SNT202.

<8> Oswald F, 1948, Commandant's House at Margidunum (Monograph). SNT13.

<9> Oswald F, 1952, Excavation: Fortress of Margidunum (Monograph). SNT11.

<10> Oswald F, 1956, Last Days of Margidunum (Monograph). SNT14.

<11> Thoroton Society, 1927, TTS, pp 55-84 (Published document). SNT349.

<12> Thoroton Society, 1952, TTS, pp 1-7 (Published document). SNT366.

<13> Thoroton Society, 1968, TTS, pp 38-41 (Published document). SNT381.

<14> Thoroton Society, 1969, TTS, pp 7-104 (Published document). SNT382.

<15> Todd M, 1975, Margidunum and Ancaster (in Rodwell and Rowley), pp 221-223 (Article in monograph). SNT1351.

<16> TPAT, 1995, A Romano-British wood-lined well at Wild Goose Cottage, Lound, Nottinghamshire, pp 11-12, 24-25 (Unpublished document). SNT1994.

<17> Thoroton Society, 1995, TTS, pp 27-30, 39-41 (Published document). SNT1525.

<18> TPAT, Jun 1995, Archaeological Watching Brief of Fibre Optic Cable Trenches Excavated Along the Fosse Way from Saxondale, Nottinghamshire to Swinderby, Lincolnshire, pp 8 - 15 (Unpublished document). SNT2155.

<19> TPAU, 2000?, Margidunum, Bingham Roundabout, Nottinghamshire. A Report on the Archaeological Watching Brief Conducted During the Renewal of the Road Lighting and Cabling, pp 1, 11, 12 (Unpublished document). SNT2557.

<20> Wessex Archæology, 2022, Newark Growth Pipeline, Nottinghamshire:Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report, p. 10 (Unpublished document). SNT5338.

Sources/Archives (26)

  • --- Unpublished document: TPAT. 01/1994. Alluvial and Lacustrine Deposits: Archaeological Assessment of Crown Estate Lands Near Bingham, Nottinghamshire.
  • --- Ground photograph: Data Held: Ground Photograph.
  • --- Document: Data Held.
  • --- Published document: F Condron. 1996. Roman small towns in the East Midlands: A regional study of settlement development and interaction..
  • --- Document: J. Greig. 1993. Magiodunum Pollen Results.
  • --- Unpublished document: Beta Analytic Inc.. 1995. Carbon-14 dates from Margidunum.
  • <1> Unpublished document: DOE. 1924. AM7.
  • <2> Personal comment: Seaman BH. 1974. Pers Comm.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Samuels JR. 1985. AM107.
  • <4> Published document: Society for … Ro Studies. 1923. JRS. 13. pp 114-126.
  • <5> Published document: Society for … Ro Studies. 1926. JRS. 16. pp 36-44.
  • <6> Monograph: Oswald F. 1927. Margidunum. The Thoroton Press.
  • <7> Published document: Society for … Ro Studies. 1941. JRS. 31. pp 32-62.
  • <8> Monograph: Oswald F. 1948. Commandant's House at Margidunum. University College, Nottingham.
  • <9> Monograph: Oswald F. 1952. Excavation: Fortress of Margidunum.
  • <10> Monograph: Oswald F. 1956. Last Days of Margidunum.
  • <11> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1927. TTS. 31. pp 55-84.
  • <12> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1952. TTS. 56. pp 1-7.
  • <13> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1968. TTS. 72. pp 38-41.
  • <14> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1969. TTS. 73. pp 7-104.
  • <15> Article in monograph: Todd M. 1975. Margidunum and Ancaster (in Rodwell and Rowley). pp 221-223.
  • <16> Unpublished document: TPAT. 1995. A Romano-British wood-lined well at Wild Goose Cottage, Lound, Nottinghamshire. pp 11-12, 24-25.
  • <17> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1995. TTS. 99. pp 27-30, 39-41.
  • <18> Unpublished document: TPAT. Jun 1995. Archaeological Watching Brief of Fibre Optic Cable Trenches Excavated Along the Fosse Way from Saxondale, Nottinghamshire to Swinderby, Lincolnshire. pp 8 - 15.
  • <19> Unpublished document: TPAU. 2000?. Margidunum, Bingham Roundabout, Nottinghamshire. A Report on the Archaeological Watching Brief Conducted During the Renewal of the Road Lighting and Cabling. pp 1, 11, 12.
  • <20> Unpublished document: Wessex Archæology. 2022. Newark Growth Pipeline, Nottinghamshire:Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report. p. 10.

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Record last edited

Aug 17 2023 10:58AM

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